Office of City Treasurer

Colleen Redpath Feger - Treasurer, Springfield Illinois


The Accounts Receivable Division is responsible for sending customers notification on all unpaid parking tickets and property code violations associated with grass and solid waste removal.

  • Questions associated with parking tickets call 217.789.2224 ext. 5022
  • All other violations call 217.789.2224 ext. 5033

We will work with you!

Please call our collections specialist to set up a payment agreement on unpaid parking ticket or property code violation accounts. If you are not able to pay in full immediately, please call 217.789.2224 ext. 5033 to set up a payment plan. We encourage you to work with us, so we can work with you.

Do you have a dispute!

To dispute a parking ticket or property code violation please click on the appropriate form below:

Mail completed forms to:

City of Springfield, City Treasurer's Office
Municipal Center West
300 South Seventh Street, Room 104
Springfield, IL 62701
or email it in to:

A Treasurer's Office representative will notify you regarding the results of your dispute.